5 Early Symptoms of HIV On Skin That is Important to know

Surely you have very often heard about HIV. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that attacks the immune system or immunity of the human body. HIV attacks human white blood cells, causing decreased immunity of the human body.

Before entering into a discussion about the early symptoms of HIV, you need to know the difference of HIV and AIDS. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a further manifestation of HIV. AIDS is a collection of disease symptoms that arise due to the descent of the human immune system caused by HIV infection.
5 Early Symptoms of HIV On Skin That is Important to know
The cause of AIDS is the presence of the HIV virus, the HIV virus can enter the body by transmitted between individuals. Therefore, knowing how to improve antibodies is important to prevent transmission of the virus between individuals.

The initial treatment is required to prevent the entry into the AIDS is to recognize whether there is HIV or not so that it can be given antiretroviral drugs (ARVS) to reduce the amount of HIV virus in the body so as not to manifest into AIDS.

Recognize the symptoms of HIV-AIDS early on your body is quite difficult because HIV itself does not cause symptoms directly. If your body is exposed to HIV it will be easier for bacteria or other viruses get into the body. The ingress of bacteria or other viruses into the body whereas the body does not have immune enough, it can lead to the emergence of various diseases including on the skin.

Disease that occurs in patients with HIV dinamankan opportunistic diseases because it utilizes the immune system of the body decreases. Early symptoms on HIV can be accompanied by fever, decreased appetite and sore throat. Early symptoms that you may recognize is the beginning is the presence of abnormalities on the skin.

Abnormalities in the skin of people living with HIV can be an indicator of the severity of HIV infection that spread to your body, it is important to recognize the early symptoms of HIV on the skin. The following symptoms on skin you need to be aware of

1.Seroconversion rash

Early symptoms of HIV on skin is an early symptom in the early weeks of HIV attacking your body. Seroconversion appears when the body produces antibodies to fight HIV. These symptoms will appear like flu symptoms with the onset of the rash or red spots on the skin.

Seroconversion rash can cause a fever and swelling of the lymph glands in the sufferer. early symptoms of HIV on the skin it usually does not hurt, its reddish and flat. Seroconversion rash may appear with an area in various parts of the body, sometimes the red spots are on chest and back.

This is an early symptom that you should be aware of, if you feel the initial symptoms such as this then you should check for the HIV virus, especially if you have risk factors for HIV such as come and go, partners.


Dermatitis is a skin infections are common. Skin with dermatitis can be seen with the characteristic dry, slightly swollen and reddish. Dermatitis is often found in children and adults. Dermatitis in general will disappear depends on the cause. There is a dermatitis caused by the environment or weather changes, by reducing exposure to weather then this dermatitis will be lost. However, in patients with HIV, dermatitis can take place continuously, because the body system could not fight the allergens that are attacking.

Another thing that can distinguish the early symptoms of HIV on skin with dermatitis or not because HIV is treatment. Treatment the dermatitis will generally easily cured, will usually be given an antihistamine or hydrocortisone to treat dermatitis. If the dermatitis is caused by HIV it will be very difficult to heal and can settle up to several months. if you have a dermatitis that doesn't go away, immediately consult a health worker.


Thrush is an infection of the mouth caused by the fungus candida. A sign of the occurrence of oral thrush this is a picture of a white stick on the mouth and look like lesions. Thrush is usually found on the tongue and inner cheek

Oral Thrush can also appear on the tonsils, lips or back of throat. Oral thrush can be painful and if you brush it with a toothbrush can bleed on the affected part of the oral thrush. The same as dermatitis, if you experience this and do not heal then there is the possibility this is a symptom of early HIV.

In people with HIV, candida infection can spread up into the throat, the lungs and the liver. Therefore, note the condition of your skin, if you are a person with high risk factors exposed to HIV then it is very necessary routine checks to avoid the manifestation of that more weight.

4. Cellulitis

Signs symptoms of HIV on other skin is cellulitis. cellulitis is an infection of the inner skin which can cause swelling and pain. cellulitis can be felt enlarged and soft, as well as reddish colored.

Parts of the body that are often affected by cellulitis are the lower legs, sometimes patients with cellulitis can be accompanied by onset of fever. The redness may spread away from the center of the wound. Cellulitis in people who have immune better can occur because of bacteria that enter through the injured skin.

In people with HIV, sometimes cellulitis can appear without any cuts beforehand because the immune system of people with HIV has decreased. The bacteria that cause cellulitis are streptococcus and stahylococcus.

Treatment of cellulitis in patients with HIV is sometimes more difficult, because often people with HIV have many disease due to the bacteria that cause the patient to become resistant and difficult to treat back.

5.Molluscum Contagiosum

Whether this is your first time hearing the term moloskum contagiosum? Moloskum contagiosum is an infection on the top of the skin that is caused by a virus. Virus infection in patients with HIV becomes very easy and often, and therefore the emergence of this disease be early symptoms of HIV on the skin.

Overview moloskum contagiosum is shaped lesion berpendukel with a diameter of 5 mm in the same color with the skin. This skin disease also has a characteristic mucus membranes. Moloskum contagiosum is usually not accompanied by other symptoms.

Moloskum contagiosum can be spread through the use of the same towel, razor blades and sexual intercourse. In people who do not suffer from HIV, moloskum contagiosum can be cured by itself if the body can fight the virus. However, in patients with HIV, the disease can spread to other parts of the body.

Moloskum contagiosum in patients with HIV will deteriorate over time, and therefore the consumption of antiretroviral in patients with HIV is important to prevent the virus continues to evolve.

Early symptoms of HIV on the skin usually characterized by the worsening of the disease condition of the skin. The immune system in patients with HIV lead to easy bacteria and viruses enter mainly through the skin, especially if skin is injured.

Knowledge about the symptoms on the skin is expected to be a alertness for everyone, especially for those of you who have a high risk such as change of sexual partners, frequent contact with blood like health workers. HIV treatment is very necessary to extend life chances and prevent manifestations of AIDS.
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